leadership styles
Some people describe leadership as the ability to make another person do what they want, not because he is forced to do so by those in authority, but because he wants to, and some even describe leadership as the art of managing people because of its great
About the course:
This course will provide aspiring leaders with an understanding of what
leadership is and how one can develop the skills required to become an
effective leader in their organization.
Taught by instructors and presenters with decades of experience in
business and non-profit leadership, this course will teach you the difference
between leadership and management, the importance of understanding others,
building empathy and relationships, and gaining a better understanding of the
different leadership styles you may encounter throughout your career.
You'll learn through a series of engaging videos, interviews, case
studies, written reflections, peer feedback, and other self-vision activities.
The teachers and faculty on this course will help you define your values and
ethics as a leader and most importantly, how to build your self-efficacy,
confidence and belief in your ability to achieve your desired results.
Acquired knowledge and skills:
What does leadership mean and how do experts define what it consists of?
Leadership styles and the theories behind them.
The relationship between power and leadership and how to influence
The role of ethics and values in leadership.
How to become a reliable leader and good business manager.
Importance of following instructions for leader results.
Course Curriculum:
Unit 1: What is leadership?
Focuses on what leadership means and how we came to define its content.
Unit Two: Leadership Styles (Driving History)
Examine the history of leadership by exploring leadership theories.
Unit Three: Power and Leadership
Examine the relationship between power and leadership.
Unit Four: Emotional Intelligence (Social
Discuss the emotional and social intelligence of leadership.
Unit Five: Believing in something
Focuses on the beliefs and values required to become an effective leader.
Unit Six: Honesty, Integrity and Ethics
Observe leadership values with regard to ethics and integrity.
Unit Seven: Get to know yourself
Allows you to explore yourself in becoming an effective leader.
Unit Eight: Knowledge, wisdom and
Consider the critical skills required to build leadership credibility and confidence.
Unit Nine: Diversity in Leadership
Examine the key leadership skill in how to be fair and integrate in an increasingly diverse environment.
Unit Ten: The administrative role
Discussing the rational administrative role in
effective leadership.
Course information
- Course start date : 2023-04-22
- Duration : 3
- Hours: 15
- Number of seats: 500
- studying days : from الأحد to الخميس
- Study time : 19:00 - 22:00
- Training period: مسائي
- training type: اونلاين